I have multiples of the Spyderco Delica ZDP-189 and figured I should let two of them go. Price is $59 apiece (add 4% for PayPal if not using the "Personal" option), plus $5 shipping via Priority Mail. Both are completely NIB: I bought them new and have never even taken either out of its box.
As for the BM 710 and Byrd Catbyrd, I'm just trying to clear out a couple knives that I don't carry to fund some other purchases. I'm calling these knives 'LNIB' rather than 'NIB' because I put Tuf-Glide on the blade/pivot before storing them. Other than that, they've never been carried or used. I didn't include them in the photos, but both come with their original boxes/packaging.
First "I'll take it" in the thread or via PM/email gets each knife. I'm not interested in trades for these knives at the moment.
Feel free to PM me or use the 'send email' option (click on my username) with any questions. Email address for PayPal is bladeforums.neuron@gmail.com. CONUS buyers only, please.
First up is the Benchmade 710 in D2. Price is $107 (add 4% for PayPal if not using the "Personal" option), plus $5 shipping via Priority Mail.

Second is the now-discontinued Byrd Catbyrd with stainless steel handles (specs/info can be found here). Price is $19 (add 4% for PayPal if not using the "Personal" option), plus $5 shipping via Priority Mail.

As for the BM 710 and Byrd Catbyrd, I'm just trying to clear out a couple knives that I don't carry to fund some other purchases. I'm calling these knives 'LNIB' rather than 'NIB' because I put Tuf-Glide on the blade/pivot before storing them. Other than that, they've never been carried or used. I didn't include them in the photos, but both come with their original boxes/packaging.
First "I'll take it" in the thread or via PM/email gets each knife. I'm not interested in trades for these knives at the moment.
Feel free to PM me or use the 'send email' option (click on my username) with any questions. Email address for PayPal is bladeforums.neuron@gmail.com. CONUS buyers only, please.
First up is the Benchmade 710 in D2. Price is $107 (add 4% for PayPal if not using the "Personal" option), plus $5 shipping via Priority Mail.
Second is the now-discontinued Byrd Catbyrd with stainless steel handles (specs/info can be found here). Price is $19 (add 4% for PayPal if not using the "Personal" option), plus $5 shipping via Priority Mail.